The Directors General/Commissioners of the Customs Administrations of ASEM Member States met in Vienna, Austria on 17-18 October 2013, under the Chairmanship of the Director-General of Austrian Customs, Mr Hans Georg Kramer to discuss customs cooperation matters and activities for the next two years.
100 representatives from 42 countries, European Commission and World Customs Organisation took part in this important event.
The Austrian Customs Director General mentioned in his opening speech the great importance of modern Customs Administrations in a global trade and business environment as well as the need of international cooperation.
The main topics of discussions have been:
- Trade Facilitation and Security of the Supply Chain
- Combating Counterfeiting and Customs IPR Enforcement
- Protecting the Society and the Environment
- Involving Business
- Communication and Visibility
The DGs/Commissioners of the Customs Administrations of the ASEM Member States were convinced that the proposed activities will lead to fruitful initiatives and outcomes and agree to evaluate results achieved at the next Meeting in Cambodia.
At the end of the meeting all participants agreed on the “Vienna Declaration” as an important guidance for the next two years period.