On 16-17 October 2014 the 10th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM10) took place in Milan hosted by The European Union. Heads of State and Government from across Asia and Europe met to discuss their future priorities and plans. Prior to ASEM10, the Asia-Europe People’s Forum (AEPF) held its 10th biennial People’s Forum on 10-12 October 2014 under the title “Towards a Just & Inclusive Asia & Europe — Building States of Citizens for Citizens”.
AEPF10 tackled major themes or People’s Visions, which represent AEPF’s hopes for citizens of Europe and Asia. These are:
- Socially Just Trade and Investment
- Universal Social Protection – Guaranteed decent jobs, access to Essential Services and Social Security;
- Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Land and Natural Resource Management;
- Climate Justice, Sustainable Energy Production and Zero Waste; and
- Peace and Security
More information can be found on the AEPF Website.