ASEM Customs Directors-General and Commissioners meet regularly once every two years to discuss relevant developments and priorities of customs work.
The ASEM activities in the customs area have focused on the 2014-2015 Action Plan approved by the Customs DGs in 2013, which set forth 8 actions focusing on the 5 main priorities of ASEM in the customs field: Trade Facilitation and Supply Chain Security; Combating Infringement on IPR; Protection of Society and Environment; Involving Business and Communication and Visibility.
The ASEM Customs DG-Commissioners Meetings followed up on the agreement made between ASEM Leaders during the 1st ASEM Summit of Heads of State and Government (ASEM1) on 1-2 March 1996 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The 11th ASEM Customs Directors General/Commissioners meeting on 8-9 October 2015 in Goa, India was attended by the Heads of Customs Administrations and senior Customs Officials from 41 ASEM Members, including the European Union. The World Customs Organization was present as an observer. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Najib Shah, Chairman of the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), India.