The ASEM ME Program on Innovative Competences has the objective and scope to elaborate how the 10 participating ASEM countries improve the innovative and entrepreneurial competences and skills of the students from early childhood.

The program focused on the crucial role of the teacher in how to mature the future entrepreneurs of society; How curriculum development can enhance the school system actively to involve the students in innovative activities and entrepreneurial projects, and finally how the education system can cooperate with business and industry to promote the future entreprenuers of society.

The 2nd Working Group meeting in Singapore was aimed at the presentation of selected Case Studies from the partipating countries, and showing succesfull interventions and projects in the school system in the 10 countries. About 21 case studies were presented at the meeting in Singapore. The aim of the study is to select and mainstream best practices from the ASEM context. The aim of the Working Group is also to analyse and conclude on the key drivers to improve innovative skills and competences in the school system.

The 3rd Working Group meeting took place in Oslo on 19-22 May, and focused entirely on analysis of key drivers and transferable experience. The results of the Working Group including the Case Study were mainstreamed to all ASEM ME members, and moreover the Working Group aimed to set up an International Conference for all ASEM Members in 2015.