The 2nd ASEM Seminar on Electronic Commerce was successfully held with over 150 e-commerce experts attending.


The 2nd ASEM Seminar on Electronic Commerce concentrated on three themes specified by the 1st ASEM Seminar on Electronic Commerce (Seoul, October 2001) and the sixth Asia-Europe Business Forum meeting (Singapore, November 2001) as the most urgent to address in order to facilitate electronic commerce in ASEM countries: user confidence, cyber security and intellectual property rights. Close involvement of the business community has been recognised as a priority at all stages of this ASEM work.

The Helsinki seminar was followed by ASEM e-Commerce officials’ meeting (24 Sep – for official delegates only) where, reflecting the outcome of the seminar discussion, government representatives will aim at finding common understanding on a set of recommendations for developing a favourable regulatory environment for electronic commerce in all ASEM countries. Once agreed, these recommendations would be reported to ASEM Economic Ministers.

Seminar Structure

The 2nd ASEM Seminar on Electronic Commerce invited keynote addresses by ministers, high representatives from international organisations and businesses, followed by three consecutive theme sessions concentrating on themes of user confidence, cyber security and intellectual property. The format of the there sessions was intended to encourage open debate by all participants.