ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center (ASEIC) and Small & Medium Business Administration (SMBA) of the Republic of Korea held the 3rd ASEM Working Group Seminar on SMEs Eco-Innovation Competence from May 31-June 2, 2016 in Seoul, Korea.

To carry out their mandate of SMEs eco-innovation competence aimed at strengthening the common ground to support SMEs among participating countries toward sustainable growth, the 2nd WG Seminar drew the participation of the delegates from 15 member states on 9-10 March 2016 in Bratislava, Slovakia followed by the first WG Seminar on 9-10 November in Seoul.

The delegates have elaborated on topics of collaboration for facilitating eco-innovation in the context of ASEM. Following the consecutive roundtable discussions and constant analysis of needs and expectations of the member countries throughout the prior WG Seminars, 7 project ideas under three main topics were generated:

  • Developing Training on Eco-Innovation for SMEs;
  • Eco-Innovation Advisory Services for SMEs Cooperation;
  • Eco-Innovation Capacity Building for the Governments.

These WG-driven projects were discussed in-depth at the 3rd Working Group Seminar. Outcomes and concrete plans at the Seminar were drafted as a proposal in the 11th ASEM Summit held in Mongolia in July 2016.