In celebration of “Asia Meets Europe Day” to foster relations between Asia & Europe and to raise awareness about the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland (FDFA) invited students from Swiss universities to Model ASEM Switzerland Spin-off 2017.

During the entire day, students simulated the 11th ASEM Summit (ASEM11) in Mongolia of 2016 to test their diplomatic skills and negotiate a declaration, the Model ASEM Switzerland 2017 Spin-off Chair’s Statement. After the simulation, they would have the opportunity to take their conclusions to the real world and present their recommendations to a panel of eminent representatives of ASEM partners.

Model ASEM Switzerland Spin-off 2017, the 4th spin-off edition, was organised by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in partnership with DiploFoundation, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and MUN EPFL. It was supported by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and contributes to the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).

The conference brought together around 60 local and international students from Swiss Universities to discuss the issues and policies on the topic of “A Stronger Partnership for Future Generations“.