The ASEM Forum on Lifelong Learning 2015 themed Renewing the Agenda for Lifelong Learning took place on 9-12 March 2015 in Bali, Indonesia to tackle the urgent need for lifelong learning in Asia and Europe.
Gathering researchers, policymakers and practitioners from various ASEM countries, the Forum developed innovative visions and effective models for lifelong learning under contemporary conditions. The participants reflected on lifelong learning practices and policies in Asia and Europe, as well as discussed the role of researchers and policymakers in creating lifelong learning opportunities for all.
The event was organised by the ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub) in partnership with the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education of Denmark, as well as the ASEM Education Secretariat (AES) under the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.