The ASEM High-Level Conference on Food Security was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of the Kingdom of Thailand. ASEM members discussed the current situation on food security in each ASEM country and to discuss future collaboration between the two regions.
The Helsinki Declaration made at the 6th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM6) requested ASEM members to take on the role of Issue-based Leadership to drive projects and initiatives in a certain policy area with a view towards producing tangible benefits for all ASEM members. In doing so, Thailand, as one of the most important food-supplying countries of the world and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives as Thailand’s core agency for this issue, volunteered to be the leader on Food Security at the 7th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM7) in October 2008 in Beijing.
150 experts and high-level participants officers from within ASEM partners and other regional and international organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).