The workshop is a follow-up to the Helsinki Summit, which highlighted the need to improve visibility and establish a communication strategy for ASEM. It will be organised by the European Commission, and conducted by communication specialists.
This workshop will be based on the key findings and recommendations from the Final Report of the Scoping Study on Enhancing the Visibility of ASEM which were made available to partners earlier in the year. Concrete outcomes will be a set of visibility and communication guidelines recommended for use by ASEM partners.
The workshop is intended as a joint exercise designed to allow all ASEM partners to exchange views on how to improve communication on ASEM with the public as well as internally. Objectives include raised awareness of the importance of media, a communication strategy for ASEM, as well as the identification of internal communication barriers and ways of overcoming them. The overall goal is a strengthened ASEM identity resulting in enhanced public visibility and smooth internal communication which, in turn, will contribute to the successful implementation of initiatives between the European Union and Asia.