Call for Papers for A Themed Issue on "Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity"
25-26 November 2021

The themed issue focuses on the impacts of connectivity, both positive and negative, on sustainable development in Europe and Asia as well as the wider world. It welcomes original research on international (as opposed to domestic) connectivity and globalisation and its links to sustainable development and resulting implications for policy-makers, covering topics such as transport, energy, digital economy, political cooperation, education, research, culture, migration, tourism, trade, financial flows, security and health. This themed issue also welcomes new methods to measure the levels of sustainable connectivity between countries to support data-driven policymaking, being indicator frameworks or composite indicators. The selected papers will be combined in the themed issue and published in Research in Globalization, a peer–reviewed and open access journal of planning and development studies. This themed issue is launched in conjunction with the Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity Scientific Conference (AESCON), taking place on 23-25 September, 2020. If you wish to submit a manuscript to the themed issue, please read carefully the journal’s Guide for Authors and submit the paper before 30 September, 2020. For more information, please visit the webpage here or email to (Source: AESCON Organising Committee)