It was during the 2nd ASEM Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Education in Hanoi that Cyprus announced its intention to organize the Conference on Quality Assurance and Recognition. It appeared, during both Ministerial Meetings, but also from ASEM country reports, that quality assurance issues are of utmost importance when it comes to higher education cooperation between the two regions. Also recognition of credits and degrees are considered very important for ensuring high-quality study and research opportunities and for improving the attractiveness of higher education institutions.

The Conference took place in Limassol, Cyprus, 6-7 December 2010. Around 100 experts from 20 ASEM member countries, the ASEAN University Network, the European University Association, the European Commission and the ASEM Education Secretariat attended the Conference. The Conference aimed at enhancing the dialogue between Europe and Asia on quality assurance and recognition matters, and to provide an opportunity for the exchange of experiences, knowhow and good practices. As derived from all presentations, panel discussions and parallel sessions of the Conference, quality assurance is vital for making Higher Education more attractive and trustworthy.